Η επίδραση του Ευρώ στους οικονομικούς θεσμούς
Master Thesis
Αναστοπούλου, Γεωργία - Λήδα Χ.
Στεφανάδης, ΧριστόδουλοςView/ Open
Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; Ευρώ ; Ιδιοκτησία ; Διαφθορά ; Αγορά χρήματος ; Κράτος δικαίουAbstract
One of the issues that are under discussion within economists, political and social scientists is why some countries grow and some others remain undeveloped. The explanations given at times are quite numerous and diverse. Today it is a common view that all institutions are the key to the development and prosperity of a country, as they shape the incentives of individuals in society and create a feeling of trust and stability, providing therefore a structure to everyday life. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the Euro on financial institutions. Using the term economic institutions, we mean institutions such as property rights, the legal system (common law-civil-law), control and fight against corruption, money market, freedom of choice, rule of law and the institution of a competitive market. First, we analyze economic institutions and their impact on the economic development of a country and secondly we study the advantages of Monetary Union and the euro's effect on the institutions and prosperity of a country. Finally, we analyze empirically whether the participation of a country in the Euro zone affects the institutions.