Διαχείριση κινδύνων - εκπαιδευτικές εφαρμογές - μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης

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Μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης ; Εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό ; Κίνδυνος ; Ανάλυση SWOT ; Risk analysisAbstract
The current paper aims to the creation of a better educational software intended
for use on the internet and social media.
The approach and the tools we use in this effort are directly related to project
management and particularly risk management.
In our approach we try to identify all the elements that can lead to failure of our
software (Risks) and those which can promote it and lead to success (Opportunities).
In many cases, risk management tools as well as management techniques that
have been developed and are met in international bibliography, may be applied to various
projects, as they are not specialized and are easy to adjust.
They can easily be applied to different kinds of projects, whether these are projects
that their operational object is of financial nature, or projects that are involved
with constructions, or Informatics projects.
An effort was made for the optimum organization of our research and the exploitation
of all the data that were collected.
The choices made in the design and implementation of the research, concerned
the creation of an online educational application and aimed to its better adaptation to
different educational subjects that may need to be designed with its help.
The way in the paper was structured and the choice of its content, aimed to give
the opportunity to the reader to easily understand its content, making sure each time to
provide him all the information deemed necessary depending on the progress of the
Initially, a reference is made to what a project, project management and risk
management is and how important they are for the successful completion of a corresponding
activity. In the section that follows, there is a description of some basic concepts.
There are three major sections following. The first one concerns the methods that
we can use in order to look for the potential risks associated with a project. In second
section the methods related to the analysis of a risk and therefore its consequences, are
recorded. Finally, third section concerns addressing the risks.Subsequently, there is a reference to learning theories and presentation of the
web and social networks, followed by a presentation of the research conducted, in
which the design, the course of implementation as well as the findings of the research,
are presented. This research had as objective the detection of risks that can pose hazards
or opportunities during the creation of educational web application.
The results of this research, in conjunction with previous related work in which
possible risks-opportunities are recorded with more general characteristics, that arise
during the effort of creating a software, were gathered and we proceeded in the creation
of a list of a wide range of possible risks. The aim is to include as many risks as
possible. These risks are associated with user groups (e.g. age, gender etc.) as well as
knowledge objects (e.g. an application that has as its object physics can have differences
in relation to an application for history).
After analyzing the risks, the effort was focused on finding appropriate ways to
address them, at least those for which there was no relevant proposal previously made.
In this process our list was enriched including not only the potential risks but also recommendations
for addressing them. Throughout the duration of this effort we had
continuous support from education professionals of various subjects and levels who
offered significant help in determining the contents of the list.