Μοντελοποίηση χρηστών σε ιστοσελίδα ασφαλιστικής εταιρείας
User modeling in website of insurance company

Αλληλεπίδραση ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή ; Ιστότοποι -- Σχεδιασμός ; Human-computer interaction ; Web sites -- Design ; User interfaces (Computer systems)Abstract
The very big increase of data that is available in the Network as well as the fact that the internet has invaded in our everyday routine, made all sorts of enterprises try to appear and traffic in as much as it can be done their products in this. By this way they extend their enterprises in world level and give customer the possibility of deciding for his purchases or even making his purchases from the comfort of his house. At the same time, the requirements of users for better methods of search and finding of information permanently grow forcing the companies and enterprises in the Internet to give added value in their applications, increasing with this way and their established clientele. In order to gain from this developing market, the administrators of web pages try to increase the movement of users in their web page, shaping it suitably so as to satisfie the needs of concrete users. This is achieved with the effective recognition of the interests of each user and the incorporation of his interests in the presentation and the content of web page. Objective of present work is the web page creation of an actuarial company, which apart from the presentation of all her products it can make concrete proposals in each user. Objective also is to conclude the users’ interests from his profile and from the choices that previous users made, aiming thus not in common level for the provision of services but in individual level. In this way it will optimise the exposition of its products in the public, contributing effectively in the increase of turnover of company as well as in the facilitation of choice of products from the final user.