Προώθηση υπηρεσιών μέσω διαδικτύου : μελέτη περίπτωσης διαδικτυακού ασφαλιστικού πρακτορείου, εξέταση αποδοτικότητας διαδικτυακής διαφήμισης μέσω Google - adwords

Master Thesis
Ανδριάνη, Στυλιανή Σ.
2011-12-02View/ Open
This dissertation is depicting the tendencies and the situation regarding the development of marketing strategies in Greece and the ways that it has been affected by the rapid entrance and deployment of internet. The promotion of the several goods is now performed through new, alternative techniques, which are mainly based on internet and its great exploitation. In that framework, this dissertation focused on the investigation of an entity that operates in Greece and during the last few years it has chosen to use on – line advertisements rather than traditional marketing techniques. The researcher presents the basic marketing techniques used by the company, she investigates their efficiency and examines the relative expenses of this investment, and how these alter through time. The research and its results resulted in several useful conclusions regarding the tendencies of companies to use on – line marketing tools rather than traditional marketing schemes during the last years, verifying the hypotheses and the data gathered from relative researches.