Αποτίμηση χρέους μειωμένης εξασφάλισης
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Subordinated debt ; Subdebt ; Forbearance ; Prompt Corrective Action ; Bank capital standards ; Asset dynamics ; Deposit dynamics ; Black and Scholes ; Monte CarloAbstract
This study develops a multi-period structural model to value bank subordinated debt (subdebt) under different regulatory policies. The model provides a complete framework for analyzing how various factors, such as credit and interest rate risks, bank characteristics and regulatory policies affect subdebt prices. The empirical research was performed in Matlab using the discretized forms of the bank's assets, interest rate and bank’s deposits. We generate 50000 paths where we discount the payoff of subdebt through the Monte Carlo method. It turns out that the implementation of prompt corrective action (PCA) will raise subdebt prices, while capital forbearance will have the opposite effects. Finally the changes of Subordinated debt prices are more sensitive for short-term maturities than for long-term maturities to different bank capital positions.