Συστημική ψηφιακή μεταμόρφωση μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων. Χρήση λογισμικού: DCSYM CASE TOOL, VSMod, VENSIM
Systemic digital transformation of SMEs. Use of software: DCSYM CASE TOOL, VSMod, VENSIM
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Radical changes in the business and technology sector are affecting Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs), which are required to demonstrate great adaptability. This paper aims to
study the ways in which digital transformation benefits the growth of SMEs. The methodology
used to answer the above research question, is comprised of both literature review and a case
study. The main concepts of this study, such as the importance of digital transformation, its
perks and challenges when applied to SMEs, as well as the proposed frameworks for a
successful digital transformation, are addressed through literature review. In order to examine
further, a case study was conducted for a medium sized enterprise which operates in the
hospitality sector, located in Messinia, Greece. The case study utilizes various Systemic
methodologies and their tools, namely DCSYM (DCSYM case tool), Viable System Model
(VSMod) and System Dynamics (Vensim). Applying the third mentioned methodology, the
author created a model attempting to simulate the current situation of the business. The
comparison between two Vensim model simulations, one of which included a budget dedicated
for digital transformation, showcased that the investment in digital transformation can empower
the market presence of the enterprise, augment its processing capabilities and reduce
processing strain. Through DCSYM and Viable System Model, the System under examination,
its viability and its containing Subsystems along with their relations, were analyzed. This
Systemic analysis indicated that digital transformation can achieve the above only when it has
resulted from strategic planning, in accordance with business strategy and goals. It is evident
that the complexity of the research question called for a Systemic approach, which is ideal for
multi-actor problems, as it also considers the human factor and the element of communication.
In view of the above, proposed future research could study the formation of a Systemic
multimethodology for digital transformation design and application in SMEs.