Επενδυτικές στρατηγικές με βάση την ηλικία
Life-cycle investment strategies
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Ηλικία ; Αποστροφή κινδύνου ; Μετοχές ; Ομόλογα ; Ανθρώπινο κεφάλαιο ; Χρηματοοικονομικός πλούτος ; Εισόδημα εργασίαςAbstract
This thesis aims to present the importance of age in investment decisions, and
how investors optimize their portfolios. First, the importance of age is described
through bibliographic research, using mathematical models. In the models, it is
assumed that the investor can invest in two assets, stocks and bonds. The theory
suggests that as investors grow older, their risk aversion increases, and they will
shape their portfolios with fewer stocks because of the higher risk. Then,
sensitivity analyses are made for the significance of human capital in the optimal
distribution of shares in the portfolio, as well as for the flexible labor supply of the
investor. Finally, simulations are performed, and exercises are solved in order to
calculate the expected utility of the investor, for different distributions of shares in
the portfolio, in order to examine the importance of the correlation between the
returns of the shares and the labor income.