Η υιοθέτηση σύγχρονων μεθόδων management, ως μέσο για την επίτευξη μιας σύγχρονης και αποτελεσματικής δημόσιας διοίκησης

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Δημόσια διοίκηση ; Γραφειοκρατία ; Δημόσιος τομέας ; Ποιότητα ; Απόδοση ; Νέο δημόσιο μάνατζμεντ ; Total quality management ; Ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση ; Διοικητικός εκσυγχρονισμός ; Public administration ; Bureaucracy ; Public sector ; Quality ; Performance ; New public management ; Human resource management ; e-GovernmentAbstract
We live in an era of explosive changes, both globally and at European and national level, where the challenge of institutional, economic and cultural convergence, necessitate the administrative as well. They presuppose the existence of a modern Public Administration, which can follow the necessary directions, to produce the envisaged results, to implement the necessary policies, to adapt its structures, to allocate resources, and all this within a dynamically changing environment.
But the economic crisis that besetting our country in the last years, softened Public’s Administration given weaknesses, which is characterized as inefficient, because of a series of chronic pathogenic problems. Unfortunately, for a series of decades, there were not given particular emphasis in dealing with them, although the State received a fairly high number of resources, staff and infrastructure, because at the same time there is for one care for the rational distribution. Result? Wasted resources, disproportionate debt, reduced efficiency, irrationality. Now days the Public Administration and the public sector in general, are challenged by intensely negative reviews, due to the weaknesses that they appear, considered as part of the problem rather than the solution.
This Master’s thesis, aims to initially illustrate the main long-term pathogenic problems in Public Administration, in order then to focus on and propose all those methods of organizing its work, the management of its resources, and administration of its human resources, which can get it productive and effective, helper of the overall national effort overcoming the crisis.