Αλγοριθμικά παίγνια και στρατηγικές με έμφαση στις διαπραγματεύσεις

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Θεωρία παιγνίων ; Διαπραγματεύσεις ; Επίλυση συγκρούσεων ; Ισορροπία Nash ; Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής ; Ηνωμένο ΒασίλειοAbstract
This thesis, titled “Algorithmic games and strategies emphasizing on bargaining” delves into the application of game theory to bargaining. After an extensive review of game theory, we investigate on how to aggregate individual opinions and preferences, we present the Nash bargaining solution and we implement Rubinstein bargaining model and bargaining under uncertainty models to interstate relations. Finally we use game bargaining theory to analyze the negotiations between USA and UK in the sixties, concerning UK’s nuclear deterrence capability. In the first chapter there is an introduction and a short description of the basic elements of game theory, as well as its role in modern business applications. We present minmax theorem and we solve zero – sum games.
In the second chapter we focus on two persons – non zero sum games, we elaborate on mixed strategies and we analyze Nash equilibrium. Finally we present different methods to solve a two person – non zero sum games and their implications.
In the third chapter we concentrate on different mechanisms to aggregate individual opinions and preferences, and shape a single decision. We analyze Bodra and Condorcet methods. These methods are related to decision making since they can be used to prioritize different options (e.g. during bargaining).
In the fourth chapter we use game theory’s tools to analyze bargaining. We present the notions of bargaining sets and axioms status quo and utility functions. We explore different ways to reach the Nash bargaining solution.
In fifth chapter we turn to epistemic game theory in order to present rationality and beliefs of the players in a formal language. We investigate the bargaining under uncertainty and we describe methods to model international conflicts between states.
In sixth chapter we use game theory’s tools to study real incidents in interstate relations.