Λειτουργικό σύστημα Android : ασφάλεια & δοκιμές παρείσδυσης
Android operating system: security analysis and penetration testing
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Λειτουργικά συστήματα ; Ασφάλεια δικτύων και συστημάτων ; Έξυπνες συσκευές ; Κινητά τηλέφωνα ; Κακόβουλο λογισμικό ; Android ; Smartphones ; Mobile networks ; Mobile computingAbstract
The scope of this master thesis is to describe the Android operating system from the point of a penetration tester and to demonstrate penetration techniques. In detail we are going to present the structure and the basic functions of the most popular operating system that is used in mobile devices, Android, analyze its procedures and security mechanisms, describe in detail the ten most important threats for the year 2014 for mobile device applications according to the «Open Web Application Security Project» (OWASP), demonstrate the methodology that takes place during the procedure of a static and dynamic analysis of an application as it is described in the «Mobile Security Project» of the «OWASP» organization and implement penetration testing techniques by embedding malicious code into legitimate applications using frameworks / applications that are built for testing purposes and programming methods. In order to accomplish all of the above we ‘re going to use both virtual and physical mobile phones.