Ιστοσελίδα διαχείρισης προγράμματος επιτήρησης εξεταστικής
Website administrating schedual supervising examinations
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The application which was produced required time and effort as the plan
had to be redesigned and redeveloped several times to meet its goals
and objectives. First of all the correct script had to be identified that
would offer us the greatest potential and we decided on the widely
known PHP which is commonly used by the majority of sites. It goes
without saying that PHP is linked to Mysql as a system for handling
relational database management. In addition, we made use of the wellknown
HTML and CSS for the formation of the pages and we used
Javascript and Bootstrapt. The creation of the application was based on
the studentweb application of the computer studies department of the
university and all operations are roughly based on the rules of this
application. Although, it does not offer the same range as the original
application, it comes close.
The application is simple and specific and does not require the user to be
familiar with other similar applications. The user registers and then,
based on the examination schedule that has been created, he is in a
position to choose the examination that he wishes to sit and the room.
The largest part of the management process is in the admin
(administrator) who is responsible for producing the examination
schedule in order to guide the student to choose the correct subject and
room. The choices are two supervisors per room and each exam takes
place in up to three rooms or more if the operator requires.
Obviously, the manager has full control of the exams which are added
and deleted and the supervision and the rooms. As a result, each user is
supervised because he has registered and chooses the subject and room.