Συστημική προσέγγιση οργάνωσης & διοίκησης σχολικής μονάδας
Systemic approach of organizing and managing a school unit
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Σχολική μονάδα ; Συστημικές μεθοδολογίες DCSYM ; Beer’s VSM ; e-Business solution ; Joomla ; SQLServer ; School unitAbstract
The administration of a school has always been a painful process involving various factors
that sometimes facilitate or impede its conduct. Due to the fact that the school unit is actually
a public service, it is governed by rules and obeys to specific legislation. Despite the evolution
of technology, issues such as bureaucracy and difficulty in communication between public
sector bodies still exist and have not been resolved yet. In the current study, Systemic
Methodologies such as the DCSYM and the Beer's VSM are used in order to redesign the
school unit. It can be concluded that using these Systemic Methodologies the problematic
communication areas among agencies can be improved. Also, an e-business application is
created in order to be applied to the school units and exempt them from bureaucracy.
Additionally, the management of this educational project is being carried out at the same time
with the market analysis. Finally, the implementation of this application is presented by using
tools such as Joomla and SQLServer.