Ανάπτυξη δυναμικής ιστοσελίδας για αποθήκευση και προβολή προσωπικών προφίλ φοιτητών
Dynamic website development for storage and viewing students personal profile
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Προσφορά εργασίας ; Απασχόληση ; Λογισμικό εφαρμογών -- Ανάπτυξη ; Βάσεις δεδομένων -- Σχεδιασμός ; Internet recruiting ; Employees -- Recruiting -- Electronic information resources ; Web site development ; Application software -- Development ; Web databasesAbstract
Object of this thesis is to study web pages with potential and the creation of a new one where students will enter their educational profile and will be accessible to professors through the content management system. Through this web page, those students who will be selected by the professors will complete their data under the categories which have been created (personal information, educational and professional background). The project is aiming to create a data base of students seeking for a job, accessible to professors who, due to their acquaintances and good knowledge of the market needs, can act as intermediates with professionals in the relative markets. This comes to cover an increasingly demanding need of job search during a period were unemployment rates have reached exceptionally high levels especially for the ages of 20 to 30. In the first chapter, Internet terminology, as well as, applications which were used for the Website construction, are reported, presented, and illustrated. Finally, brief historical data and explanation of programming and markup languages are cited. In the second chapter, the research carried out for the website construction is described. Greek and international websites, which were analytically reviewed, are presented. The outcome of the review of websites, was the finalization of the style, the data to be inputted by the students, and the data setup. In the third chapter, the system architecture is presented, i.e. the database created for students- data storage, as well as, UML diagramsillustrating the operating mode and the all states used during the administrator's or end-user's website browsing. Finally, the last chapter consists of the well-known user's manual. This has an in-depth description of the web page's creation as well as the mode of use and management. Additionally, comments related to the code as well as rules and directions for possible changes in order to retain a uniform layout, are submitted.