Οικονομικές κρίσεις & διαφθορά

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Οικονομικές κρίσεις ; Διαφθορά ; Ανεργία ; Οικονομικές συνθήκεςAbstract
This study examines whether economic crisis increases or decreases corruption and the predictive power of both theoretical and research level. Specifically, in the first section a reference to the importance of corruption and economic institutions in economic growth and prosperity. Causes and various forms of corruption are developed as well as the indicator measures. At the same time, we are representing other researches of this phenomenon. The second section is devoted to economic crises and their effects. Also the history of the global crisis is provided and then the crisis in our country is following. The third section presents an empirical analysis to investigate the relationship between economic crisis and corruption. We use variables as the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2011, per capita GDP, Unemployment rates for 2010 and whether a country has a Civil or Common law. Then we use the second model by replacing the independent variable in the unemployment rate in 2010 with the index of 2009. The same is repeated for unemployment in 2008. Finally the empirical results are represented.