Στρατηγικό μάνατζμεντ και συστημικές προσεγγίσεις : παρουσίαση υποδείγματος ευρείας επιχειρηματικής αλλαγής του Haines Centre

Master Thesis
Ιατρού, Ασημίνα
2011-07-13View/ Open
This paper concerns the presentation of systems approach kai methodologies in the fiels of strategic management. Towards this end, it consists an effort to present element fields and problems of strategic management in which the traditional analytical approach fails. The endorsement of an organization as a system allows to inherit its characterists and properties. Furthermore, general systems theory is based on the interdisciplinarity and allows the development of methodologies that use terms and notions both from the exact sciences and the humanities. This paper aims to analyze such existing methodologies that can be used as tools from an enterprise management team to practice and assess strategic management. At first, there is a reference to issues and areas of strategic management concerning both its design and implementation. When an organization is defined as a system, it inherits the characteristics and properties of a system that are presented next. Then, methodologies derived from the systems theory that serve issues and areas of strategic management are studied. Following these presentations, a study of Haines Centre, an institution that uses the systems approach in strategic matters, is conducted. Combined with the preceding theoretical presentation the DCSYM methodology is used for the mapping and analysis of its key action model. The study and presendation is completed with a chapter dedicated to the analysis of a steps methodology that the Haines Centre suggests for the positioning and the wide enterprise strategic design. Finally, the example of an existing corporate strategy is analyzed showing how the DCSYM, which has been chosen as reference point for the design and analysis, can be used for the strategic levels as they have been presented. This paper proposes methodologies that can be applied to modern enterprises and business units, without, nevertheless, providing strict guidelines that form the appropriate solution for every given situation. It is the work of each leader or management team to choose a methodology and to study whether it is appropriate for each problem/ The purpose is to identify the necessity of using a pluralistic range for facing the challenges of contemporary strategic management.