e-AP.MA. : μια μέθοδος για την ανάπτυξη αυτο-ρυθμιστικών δεξιοτήτων στην επίλυση μαθηματικών προβλημάτων της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης με αξιοποίηση συστημάτων συνεργατικής μάθησης

Doctoral Thesis
Λαζακίδου, Γεωργία
2008-10-07View/ Open
Motivation in education ; Academic achievement ; Self-controlAbstract
Problem Solving is considered as a very important learning activity in formal educational settings. The accompanied research studies indicate the significance of this skill for human life and relate it to the acquisition of higher-order thinking skills such as the self-regulative skill. Adults seem to acquire such higher-order thinking skills due to the accumulation of their social and cognitive experiences. Nevertheless, in younger students this skill needs to be fostered. Thus, the question arises as to whether or not they can be supported to develop such skills. The sample of this study included 262 students of public elementary schools from Attiki and Larisa regions. The effectiveness of the proposed instructional method for developing higher-order thinking skills was initially tested in traditional classroom settings. The proposed method was found to be effective in terms of the acquisition of problem solving skill. However, there were existing difficulties in implementing it. It was necessary for all students involved in the problem solving process to work together and have access to the same shared space and educational material so that the problem solving environment would have the same setting. All these hindrances made it necessary to utilize networked environments and enable students perform the activities as proposed by the proposed instructional method. The second sub-phase of the study lasted for two months (from April 15th to June 10th, 2006) and 198 students participated in. Ten problem solving scenarios were designed to frame and support the proposed method of self-regulated problem solving. All students attended a two-hour lesson to familiarize themselves with the tools of Synergo and LMS Moodle.