Οι ηλεκτρονικοί διαγωνισμοί στην υγεία

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Ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση ; Ηλεκτρονική υγεία ; Διαχείριση εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας ; Εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα ; Υγεία ; Δημόσια σύμβαση ; Δημόσιες ηλεκτρονικές προμήθειες υγείας ; Δημόσια δαπάνη ; Δημόσια κρατική προμήθεια ; Διαγωνιστική διαδικασία ; Προϋπολογισμός ; Δημόσιος τομέαςAbstract
The necessity of health and universal access to health care is a fundamental right of every citizen, which poses an obligation on the part of the state to satisfy within the framework of the Welfare State and social care.
From a financial point of view, the hospital sector has experienced significant growth over the last 35 years both nationally and internationally. Today, healthcare costs in Greece are recorded to absorb up to 50% of the country's total GDP.
However, despite the enormous amount of capital being invested in the health sector it is felt by the general health products consumers that health needs are not met due to insufficient resource allocation. Thus, a more efficient exploitation of available resources and better management of consumable and non-consumable materials are entirely necessitated.
The sector of hospital material supplies is one of the most pivotal in the economy at national and European level, since it is a field for the development of competitive activity of healthy businesses of various branches, to which it yields large profits annually, while, at the same time, it proves to be a valuable tool for public investments.
Under these circumstances, and considering the fact that the economic crisis advocates a similar direction, it becomes clear that a set of EU legislative adjustments need to be made followed by a subsequent integration of the European provisions into the national legal system.
The effort of the European and Greek legislative system focuses on the harmonization of public procurement procedures, through the vote of new European directives - Law No. 2014/24 EU and 2014/25 EU.
Correspondingly, Greek law has adapted the legal order by undertaking the innovative project of unifying all rules concerning the conclusion of public contracts, regardless of type and budgeted expenditure - Law No. 4412/2016.
It is obvious that the long-term goal of these directives is geared towards the better control of public finances and the limitation and optimal management of government expenditures.
The management of health public expenditure to meet procurement needs is reinforced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), within the triptych of e-government, supply chain management and the establishment of electronic diagnostic processes crafting the concept of electronic health supplies.
This work aims to record the procedures leading to the conclusion of a public contract and the completion of an electronic diagnostic process after the implementation of Law No. 4412/2016 and the use of the ΚΗΔΜΗΣ and ΕΣΗΔΗΣ platforms, as a result of the generalized use of ICT and electronic government. Αlso, it analyzes the new order of things that introduces the establishment of electronic health, refers to the management of the supply chain and dwells upon the public health supplies being of utmost importance staff functions in a hospital organization.
The research part of this paper attempts to capture the experiences, a so called criticism from the inside, of the administrators of the ΕΣΗΔΗΣ platform and observers of Law 4412/2016. More specifically, the sample includes employees of the Venizelio General Hospital of Iraklio Crete, the gathered information resulting from a personal interview with each one separately. At the end, they all described the digital policy and the establishment of the electronic procurement process as the beginning of a more efficient and more effective government operation, which however needs multiple improvements.