Τοξική ηγεσία και οι συνέπειες της στην εργασιακή απόδοση εντός και εκτός ρόλου
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Τοξική ηγεσία ; Απόδοση εντός όλου ; Απόδοση εκτός ρόλουAbstract
Toxic leadership is a phenomenon that is increasingly observed nowadays in many
companies with tragic consequences for both employees and themselves. This
research is done in order to study the effect of toxic leadership on employee
performance both for the tasks they have in the context of work (performance within
their role) and for actions they take voluntarily without being imposed by work
(performance outside of role).
The survey data was collected through a questionnaire, which was answered by 208
employees in various private sector enterprises. Employees were asked about their
current work situation, their employer's behavior and whether they felt efficient in their
The results of the study made clear the negative correlation between toxic leadership
and work performance. Toxic leadership seems to be quite damaging as it creates a
negative climate in the work environment and makes employees not cope with the