Αξιοποίηση εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής στην πρωτοσχολική εκπαίδευση
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This thesis aims to develop an educational scenario for teaching the Greek language course in the 1st grade of Primary School, utilizing the educational robotics tool “Lego Spike Essential”. The learning object of this scenario is the digraph “τσ” in Greek. Students are divided into groups and perform a series of activities. Some of these activities include programming a robot, which moves on various boards. While performing the robot activities, students have to program it so it can move on the respective board and locate the digraph "τσ" among other letters, pictures or words. The project aims to evaluate whether the specific teaching proposal with the use of educational robotics helped the students learn the digraph "τσ" and to which extent their interest and participation have been empowered. The results showed that the students understood the learning subject to a great extent and indicated a lot of interest and their participation has been active throughout the project.