Ανάπτυξη Android εφαρμογής για την ανακύκλωση με ανάγνωση κωδικού barcode
Implementation of an Android app for recycling by scanning a barcode
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The current postgraduate dissertation consists of the development of an app for Android devices, that provides feedback regarding the recyclability or not of a certain product. This feedback consists of instructions for recycling, or not in the opposite case. To receive that, the user needs to scan the barcode of a product, search by its name, or browse through a list of products displayed in the app.
The app was developed in the Android environment, in the Kotlin programming language. For the designs of the app the Figma tool was used, while for the implementation IDE Android Studio was used, in combination with a selection of tools and libraries. An honorable mention is the Barcode Scanning (ML Kit) from Firebase that made the scanning of barcodes possible through the mobile phone’s camera.