Ελληνική Τουριστική Αστυνομία : συμβολή στην τουριστική ανάπτυξη, νομοθετικό πλαίσιο δράσης και προτάσεις εφαρμογής διοίκησης ολικής ποιότητας
Hellenic Tourist Police : contribution to tourism development, legislative framework of action & proposals for implementation of total quality management

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Τουριστική αστυνομία ; Ανάπτυξη ; Τουρισμός ; Ποιότητα υπηρεσιών ; Διοίκηση ολικής ποιότητας ; ΑσφάλειαAbstract
Hellenic Police is a fundamental carrier of services, ranging from the countless daily calls received by its emergency call “100” telephone center. The scope of duties of Tourist Police is based on tourism legislation, and thus, the development of tourism is partly due to the processes of the police force that ensures the safety of holidaymakers, during their stay in our country as well as for all age groups of civilians. For example, school tourism, which concerns the younger age groups of tourists, need even more supervision and safe planning.
Controls on tourism businesses to avoid unfair competition, illegal travel documents at airports, bike patrols in central places, are some of their responsibilities. Therefore, because Greece is primarily a tourist country with growth potential, the forecast of improvement of tourist services is crucial when they affect the experience of visitors, but also for the range of citizens. In the year of 2022, crime is flourishing and some of the easiest victims are tourists. That, has an impact on arrivals, because a safe destination has the infrastructure and the conditions to accommodate more visitors.
Looking at the present with the prospects of the future, the modernization of the Tourist Police will be a guarantee for the safety of each tourist and every citizen with Total Quality Management as the tool for success. We must not forget that a proper way of Management Science has a humanitarian character, which is found in the way of serving people, improving the living standards of all and this will be the essence of the present study. Tourist’s first “friend” is the Tourist Police!