Διοίκηση λειτουργιών: εφαρμογή στις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις ενιαίου συστήματος αξιολόγησης των αξιωματικών και διασύνδεσης του με τη σταδιοδρομία τους και την επάνδρωση διακλαδικών θέσεων
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Διαχείριση προσωπικού ; Αξιολόγηση απόδοσης στελεχών ; Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις ; Αξιωματικοί Ελληνικών Ενόπλων ΔυνάμεωνAbstract
The Performance Appraisal System for Officers of the Hellenic Armed Forces (HAF) is problematic in its current form because it allows biased and overinflated assessments by raters who are the supervisors of the ratees. The officer’s performance is connected by law to the Placement – Transfer and Promotion Systems, without being the dominant criteria for decision making in these systems.
The current financial conditions that the HAF are forced to operate in, demand talented leadership to maintain and increase its combat capabilities and operational readiness. This can be achieved only through just and fair assessments and by promoting the best officers in supreme commanding positions and placing them in the joint Staff. The proposed reform of the Appraisal System is based firstly on the study of private sector performance appraisal of employees, where the multitrait – multimethod (MTMM) approach and the 360 degree-feedback are considered best practices. Secondly the proposed reform is based on the case study of the performance appraisal of officers in the United States Armed Forces. In this case study is highlighted the fact that private sector best practices can be implemented, after they have been adjusted to the special needs of the different Branches of the Armed Forces and to the specific duties of officers.
The key conclusion of this dissertation is that a uniform (in its principles and processes), but fully reformed, Performance Appraisal System of executive leaders – officers of the HAF, is feasible and it has the potential to evolve into a highly effective tool for the discrimination of excellent officers from less capable ones, for manning the Joint Staff of the HAF and promoting the most talented officers to the supreme ranks.