Εικονική αναπαράσταση εφαρμογής γενετικού αλγορίθμου σε οικοσύστημα οντοτήτων με το Processing
Virtual representation of genetic algorithm application on entities of an ecosystem with Processing

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Εικονική αναπαράσταση ; Virtual representation ; Processing ; Genetic algorithms ; Γενετικοί αλγόριθμοι ; Οικοσύστημα οντοτήτων ; Entities ecosystemAbstract
This dissertation investigates the mechanisms of species in nature and studies ways to apply the basic
principles of Darwin's own evolutionary theory to a simulation of the physical world of an ecosystem
implemented in form of code.
Α genetic algorithm is implemented in a programming environment having a virtual
representation of an ecosystem comprised of pseudo-living entities in which evolutionary tactics will be
applied to in order for the best solution for a certain problem to be found.
We deal in particular with the modeling of entities, the various behaviors that govern them, the
environment in which they operate and the clarification of their evolution mechanisms in the most
accurate way possible.
We also examine in detail the structure of the genetic algorithms and biological mechanisms
from which they are inspired.
In addition we use Processing as a tool to carry out the project for which is included a brief
analysis and instructions for the effective use of the software to further familiarize the reader with the
programming interface and the various design and behavior techniques.