Πρόγραμμα καταγραφής και στατιστικής απεικόνισης των εξόδων ενός πλοίου εμπορικής ναυτιλίας. Μια οικονομική - πληροφοριακή προσέγγιση
Cost data processing and analyzing program for a merchant shipping vessel. Αn economic - data processing approach
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Σύστημα εξόδων ; Πλοία ; Ναυτιλιακή οικονομικήAbstract
In the present work we will deal in detail with the shipping industry. This sector accounts for 90%
of world trade. Immediately we understand the strength and the importance of this industry. An
important pillar of shipping is the ship-owning companies, which with their fleet meet the needs of
the world's population. Doing could not reduce the importance of a shipowner, as we cannot
define a range of goods carried by ships. In our time, all goods (grain, iron ore, coal, oil, etc.) are
part of the maritime transport either in their entirety or even part of their transport. So, let's
concentrate on a shipping company.
Like any healthy company, shipping companies are spending enough resources on their
cost analysis. This comes under the absolute logic of considering the huge cost of a ship. At this
point we should define the shipping cost term. This term refers not only to the monetary factor but
also to the human and environmental factors, with none of them overlaps the other. At this time,
we will refer to the financial cost of a ship-owning company for its ships
It is perfectly normal to say that a ship has a very large number of different expenses during
its voyage. The problem results from the fact that each port has different expenses in terms of
type and amount, which have to be properly documented by the master of the vessel in order to
file a well detailed report to the ship owning company. The traditional hand-writing technique of
documenting such a big amount of different expenses, led to a problem of cost checking and
controlling. It goes without saying that this problem will be sold with the help of the computer
science field and its tools.
Our program is an online cost-documenting platform, offering details of each of the vessel’s
expenses as well as a statistical analysis of same for the uses of either the master himself or the
ship owning company.