Examining self-regulated learning through eportfolios in higher education: the case of an eportfolio based self-regulated learning (EPSRL) approach for advancing academic achievement
Εξετάζοντας την αυτο-ρυθμιζόμενη μάθηση στους ηλεκτρονικούς φακέλους μάθησης στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση: η περίπτωση ενός ηλεκτρονικού φακέλου μάθησης βασισμένου στην αυτο-ρυθμιζόμενη μάθηση για την προώθηση της ακαδημαϊκής ανάπτυξης
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Motivation ; Self-efficacy ; Reflection ; Assessment ; Intervention ; Satisfaction ; Self-regulated learning ; Microanalytic protocols ; Goal setting ; Learning strategies ; Time management ; Peer learning ; Help seeking ; e-Portfolio ; e-Portfolio systems ; Social network system ; Social media ; Academic achievement ; Undergraduate students ; Postgraduate students ; Academic performance ; SRL modelsAbstract
The ubiquitous presence of technology, the penetration of social media in academic life and the new landscape of skills seem to challenge Higher Education (HE) environments, academic achievement and individuals’ well-being. There are several examples of students who cannot find a balance between their academic and social life, thus they fail to follow a smooth transition into HE and advance their academic performance. Further, low achievement uncovers limitations on cognitive, affective, behavioral and social processes of learning.
Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) competency has impact on academic performance, well-being and lifelong learning but constitutes an uncharted area for the majority of HE students. Research should explore the potential of designing effective interventions that encourage the use of SRL strategies through Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs). Among TELEs, ePortfolio can be seen as a powerful tool that becomes popular in education. Acknowledging the fact that ePortfolios can enhance an individual’s ability to learn in a self-regulated way and promote the development of both hard and soft skills, the design of an ePortfolio intervention (as a dynamic TELE) for establishing SRL skills and measuring the interconnections among SRL process, academic achievement and the system is recommended.
The above facts imply that there is a need of thorough investigation of the predictors that contribute to high academic achievement. Thus, this research attempted to investigate the predictors that ensure that learners can be motivated, use strategies effectively and manage their learning. Also, it was examined how these predictors can positively affect students’ academic achievement. Considering these facts, a general question that is posed to: ‘In what ways may an educational intervention contribute to high academic achievement and students’ well-being?’.
Towards this, it was selected an interesting research paradigm that delves deeper into complex authentic learning settings and is titled design-based research. According to the design-based research, in the preliminary stage an extended literature review was undertaken and a dedicated conceptual model was designed. In the prototyping stage, the designed solution (conceptual model) was tested through a number of iterations. Each iteration was a micro cycle where mixed-methods of data collection were used. For the needs of this research, three micro cycles were conducted as three stand-alone studies (Study 1, Study 2, Study 3) focused on various forms of data including questionnaires, rubrics, individual’s reflections, log files, pre- and post-tests and student products. The majority of the participants (Ntotal= 237) was in the age range from 18 to 22 years old, undergraduate male students in a Greek Higher Education Institution. Most of the participants were expert users in using digital devices, internet browsing, using text editing software and using social networking sites (SNSs). Also, the majority of the participants were positive about the ePortfolio implementation as they wanted to gain new knowledge and advance their skills. In Study 1 (N1=86) the conceptual framework and the ePortfolio system (version 1) designed and tested (Prototype Stage -Iteration 1). Findings indicated that the ePortfolio system (version 1) needed further modifications in order to support participants improve their SRL skills, engage in the process and boost their academic achievement. Based on valuable insights, the re-design of the conceptual framework, the delivery of an updated ePortfolio system (Version 2) and the implementation of an ePortfolio intervention was attempted. In Study 2 (N2=123) and Study 3 (N3=28) the ePortfolio-based Self-Regulated Learning approach/intervention (ePSRL) delivered and tested (Prototype Stage -Iteration 2 & 3). Finally, in the assessment stage the delivery of findings of the research (Study 1, 2 & 3) provided reflections on the results and future research implications. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis (mixed methods research design) revealed that: the implementation of the ePortfolio-based Self-Regulated Learning (ePSRL) approach and the system affected students’ SRL. Participants used a wide range of SRL processes and their goal setting, motivation, intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy, learning strategies, time management, peer learning, help seeking improved after applying the ePSRL approach to their academic study. Further, the ePortfolio intervention had a positive impact on academic achievement. The level of agreement among four assessors (students, peers, instructor and external evaluators) that independently rated the constructs of the scale (ePortfolio Purpose, Artifacts Repository, Reflection in Action and ePortfolio Usability characteristics) can be considered substantial. Also, the consistency among the ePortfolio criteria was acceptably high and each construct should be reserved. Finally, the ePSRL intervention in HE supported students to practise SRL processes. Participants evaluated the ePSRL approach and agreed that the design of the ePortfolio supported SRL well and tended to increase during the SRL phases (namely forethought, performance-control, and self-reflection).
To sum up, the key findings of this PhD added to the literature, by showing how to design a conceptual framework based on SRL (cognitive, affective, behavioral and contextual processes) for ePortfolios in HE (ePortfolio-based Self-Regulated Learning (ePSRL) approach) and tailor a workflow process that supports individuals to initiate SRL processes and manage their learning path. Also, this PhD contributed to the field of Personal Development Planning (PDP) and well-being by providing valuable insights about the effect of the ePortfolio intervention on SRL and academic achievement. Towards this, theoretical and practical implications for (large- and small-scale developments) faculty, educators, instructional designers, technology specialists, coaching managers, designers of training materials, project managers and human resource experts were proposed.