Η κερδοφορία των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζών στην εποχή του ευρώ
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Κερδοφορία ; Ευρωπαϊκό τραπεζικό σύστημα ; Ευρωζώνη ; Τράπεζες ; Παράγοντες κερδοφορίαςAbstract
The banking system in the euro zone, especially after the crisis of 2008, has been at the heart of regulatory authorities as developments in it initially have a huge impact on the real economy but at the same time because of mone-tary union affecting all member states' economies. The increase of supervi-sion and supervisory mechanisms was considered necessary and gradually lead to bank consolidation. The structure of the credit system among the euro area countries is highly heterogeneous and a key feature of recent years is the increase in concentration and the restriction of the sector (in branches, human resources and banks).
The empirical part of the paper examined the profitability of euro area banks after the crisis (and during for some countries), 2011-2018, and the factors that determine it. Among the sample banks, there were large divergences in both profitability (which were on average low) and other indicators. From the analysis, it was found that increased capital autonomy and greater expansion of a bank's market share by the overall growth of the industry have a positive effect on bank profits. On the contrary, increasing deposits, operating ex-penses and provisions reduce the return on capital.