Δημιουργία εργαλείου «συγγραφής» ασκήσεων και αυτόματης κατασκευής διαγωνισμάτων για το γνωστικό πεδίο της Ιστορίας Γ’ Λυκείου
Tool creation for question "writing" and automatic examination construction for the cognitive field of high school History (3rd grade)
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Δικτυακές εφαρμογές ; Αυτόματη δημιουργία διαγωνισμάτων ; Εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό ; Μηχανική μάθησηAbstract
As part of my Graduate Thesis, I created a test creation system that can be used by higher education teachers both for the direct export of a test as well as for maintaining a bank of topics that the user can enrich during their service at the educational establishment. PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS (Bootstrap) and JavaScript programming languages were used to develop this system. In addition to the ability to enter personal questions, this system supports many users and allows us to view and purchase questions from other users. In this way, besides its basic use, which is the service of the teachers, it is also a networking of the educational community from the moment when each professor can project his work, and this can be judged by other teachers of other school units. Finally, a very important part of the system and what distinguishes it from other systems that circulate and do the same job is the integration of Mechanical Learning and specifically the use of the Support Vector Classification algorithm. By using this algorithm, all questions are analyzed based on specific criteria and when a test is created, the system can predict what questions the user prefers. During the development of the system I tried to design the system so that the user could easily navigate and used several colors to create an environment that is understandable and useful to the teacher who will use it. I also preferred the application to be web-based so that content can easily be shared between the entire community of teachers.