Μετατρέψιμες ομολογίες (Co - Cos) και εποπτικά κεφάλαια τραπεζών
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Τυπικά δάνεια μειωμένης εξασφάλισης ; Υβριδικά κεφάλαια ; Co-Cos ; Συνθήκες της Βασιλείας ; Όριο ενεργοποίησης ; Μηχανισμός απορρόφηση ζημιών ; Χρηματοοικονομικές κρίσεις ; Εποπτικά κεφάλαιαAbstract
In the context of the diploma thesis, we are studying a new class of typical subordinated loans, namely convertible bonds (CoCos). Their supervisory role will be presented against the upcoming risks as well as the loss absorption capacity, contributing to the strengthening of capital adequacy in unfavorable conditions. After mentioning the theoretical analysis of the various forms of convertible bonds, the criteria for their publication, the goals and the uses of their existence, follow up on previous studies.
In the context of the empirical analysis, based on the sample of banks with Cocos publications in the period 2010-2017 and through the qualitative analysis, are judged the categories of bonds to be empirically studied arise. With the use of the logit regression model, observable bank data are investigated as statistically significant factors associated with CoCos.