Οι στρατηγικές των εταιρειών καλλυντικών σχετικά με την προβολή και προώθηση των προϊόντων τους μέσω YouTubers & Bloggers. Case study Brand: L' Oreal Paris

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Προϊόντα ομορφιάς ; Στρατηγικός σχεδιασμός ; Cosmetics industry ; Beauty products ; Strategic planning ; YouTubers ; BloggersAbstract
The biggest and most common desire of all of us for wellness and beauty are cosmetic products which are, for millions of consumers around the world, the passport for the beautiful life. The cosmetics industry represents a large family of beauty and personal care products. A significant part of the products as we call cosmetics are basically personal care and cosmetic products including deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothpaste and sunscreen. The fact is that each person uses at least one of the "beautiful industry products" daily. Every year the cosmetics industry launched in the market thousands of new and improved composition products. The continuous innovation is a necessary condition, not just to enable the industry to maintain its competitiveness and to increase efficiency and the safety requirements of their products but also for human beings and for the environment. However cosmetics companies face a constantly changing and competitive environment. In this context, the strategies implemented by businesses must be adapted to new conditions created in the market. The strategy and marketing tools are a unique way for direct and effective adaptation of businesses to the new circumstances. The adoption of electronic practices and marketing strategies speed up and facilitate these processes. Through the internet, websites and online stores, companies are able to communicate and directly with the consumers. The Companies are closely monitoring the changes in the needs and desires of their consumers. In particular, through the technologies offered by the Social media, companies and organizations derive valuable components in the purchasing consumer behavior. This study aims to investigate the ways and strategies of cosmetics companies about the visibility and promotion of products via You Tubers and bloggers, how to they succeed and what the result is. Another goal is the recording of Internet modern tools from the social media, and the role which take part in business marketing processes and for the companies at online strategies. The aim is to find out whether the social media and in particular the YouTube help to sell the product and how influences the public. It is a new way to attract customers and how will develop in the future, in order to replace other promotional tools? As a case study I have chosen the company L'Oreal due to the reason is one of the leading companies with 45 brands under her umbrella, L’Oreal invests much time on social media, especially on YouTube, evolve very quickly and trying to be leader in Greek market.