K - waves και η επίδραση του ανθρώπινου παράγοντα : το παράδειγμα του BReferendum (BRexit)

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Οικονομικές κρίσεις ; Οικονομικές συνθήκες ; Οικονομικές θεωρίες ; Ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική ; Μεγάλη Βρετανία ; Ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση ; Θεωρία του Κοντράτιεφ ; Θεωρία των μεγάλων κυμάτων K-waves ; BrexitAbstract
The current dissertation was written for the purposes of master “Information Technology” under professor’s Evagelos Fountas guidance and contribution.
The subject of the dissertation was chosen under the influence of international and national changes (evolutions). The understanding of the causes, but mainly the re-sults of current financial crisis to international markets constitute definitely matters, which shall concern not only today’s economists but also future economists and those who studied equivalent phenomena in the past.
The certain dissertation is topical due to universality timeless nature of today’s economies. The surveying of economic theories, including Kondratiev’s theory, would have been meaningless, unless the last ones had not been applied during the ages.
Therefore, for the reasons above, through the studying of the theory of Κ-waves just like was developed by Kondratiev in his work “The major economic cycles”, choosing the human factor as a main reference point a change of its essence shall be at-tempted. That constitutes the main cause of disturbance of this phenomenon and the dis-solution of normality which is going to lead us to the comprehensive examination of the 23rd of July 2016 events.
That was a political decision, which reinforced the human factor and its influ-ence to all aspects of current economy (referendum) and led eventually to Brexit.