Παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την κεφαλαιακή διάρθρωση των έργων υποδομής : μελέτη των προβλημάτων αντιπροσώπευσης στην χρηματοδότηση με την μέθοδο project finance
the determinants of capital structure in infrastructure projects : an investigation of agency problems in project finance

Master Thesis
Σμυρνάκης, Χρήστος Σ.
Smyrnakis, Christos S.
Αντζουλάτος, ΆγγελοςView/ Open
Συγχρηματοδοτούμενα έργα ; Ασύμμετρη πληροφόρηση ; Προβλήματα αντιπροσώπευσης ; Ηθικός κίνδυνος ; Δυσμενής επιλογή ; Project finance ; Public-private partnerships ; Information asymmetry ; Agency problem ; Moral hazard ; Adverse selectionAbstract
The present thesis investigates one of the most important determinants of capital structure, the agency problems, in the context of project finance/Public-Private-Partnership structures. In an effort to identify potential agency problems, I have followed a qualitative approach based on three fundamental steps that are applied for each relationship in the project finance structure. First I identify the objective of each party, then I account for the ‘information status’ of each party (i.e. which party has an information advantage and what type of advantage) and last, based on (i) the relationship between the parties, (ii) the scope of the relationship, (iii) the motives and (iv) the information status, I identify what type of agency problem(s) is(are) potentially developed in each relationship. With this method I also identify the channels through which agency costs can end up in the final price of the deliverable of the project under consideration, be it either product or service. The predominant agency problems are of the adverse selection type prior to financial close and of the moral hazard type after the financial close.