Μελέτη, σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακού πληροφοριακού συστήματος αναζητήσεως εργασίας, συνεργασίας και προσωπικού
Study, design and development of a web information system, for seeking job, cooperation and personnel
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Διαδικτυακός προγραμματισμός ; Java ; Java Server Pages (JSP) ; Servlet ; Spring MVC Framework ; Spring Security ; Controller-Service-Repository pattern ; Bean Validation ; JSR 349 ; Hibernate Validator ; Dependency Injection ; Beans ; Apache Maven ; Apache Tomcat ; HTML ; CSS ; Javascript ; jQuery ; MySQL ; Use case diagrams ; JDBC ; Balanced scorecardAbstract
The purpose of this master thesis was the development of a web information system that will acting as a tool for the search of job, of collaboration and of personnel.
The system will organize and will be a convenient way for users to communicate each other based on their professional activities. It will used by unemployed for seeking and finding job, from employers who seeking employees, and by employees who wants to find a next job in their career.
The main concern of the system will be the safe retention of personal data of its users and the innovation of providing the possibility to each user, to choose the personal information which will be shared with other users.
For the system's development were used a variety of technologies, design patterns and programming tools with main the Java programming language, the JSP/Servlets, the Spring MVC framework, the Apache Maven, the Apache Tomcat servlet container and the client-side scripting languages , JavaScript and jQuery.
The project consists of the initial study of the problem area, the subsequent analysis of requirements, the design, the implementation and the presentation of the system. Then attempted an operational plan based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology, followed by an assessment. Ultimately conclusions and some proposals for future functionality that could be incorporated in the system, are recorded.