Ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικού λογισμικού για την Φυσική Γ’ λυκείου με χρήση του λειτουργικού συστήματος Android
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Εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό ; Android (Electronic resource) ; Φυσικές επιστήμες ; Εκπαίδευση, Δευτεροβάθμια -- Διδασκαλία με τη βοήθεια ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστήAbstract
This thesis aims to create an electronic learning and teaching evaluation system, which operates in addition to the educational process and not autonomously. Trainer and trainee have access to the system, the former through a web browser, and the latter through an android application. Trainer can manage the users through the browser, manage the content of the application and see the users’ results of use. Through the application, each user can acquire knowledge about the object referred, be assessed for their knowledge and see their performance. The management system stores user data to one online server so that every time the student enters the application the system is synchronizing the profile and the statistics. Thus, the user can use the application via different devices. The application enables the user to be evaluated dynamically, i.e. by testing him in questions of escalating difficulty, depending on performance. This electronic system introduced in this paper has been set up for use by students of the third grade in high school physics, but can be easily customized for a variety of educational processes involving learners of different levels and objects.