Αποδόσεις εισηγμένων ευρωπαϊκών επιχειρήσεων στον κλάδο των τροφίμων
Performance of european companies in the food sector

Μετοχικές αποδόσειςKeywords
Μετοχές ; Απόδοση αγοράς ; Ανεργία ; Πληθυσμός ; Ακαθάριστο Εθνικό Προϊόν ; Φορολόγηση επιχειρήσεων ; Μέθοδος panel data ; Υπόδειγμα CAPM ; Συντελεστής βήτα ; Stock ; Market yield ; Unemployment ; Population ; Gross Domestic Product ; Business tax rate ; Panel data analysis ; CAPM model ; Beta coefficientAbstract
The following project investigates the share performance of twenty European companies which come from France, Germany, Greece and the Netherlands within a period of ten years. Initially, there is a more detailed description of the subject which the study deals and the structure of the project. Furthermore, there is a brief description of the factors that cause risk investment, but also of the methods by which the performance of one share is measured. Then, the economic situation of the countries concerned is analyzed as well as their food sector. A small presentation of the twenty companies that will concern us and of the variables that will be used follows. In addition, there is a more detailed description of the methodology that was used for processing the data, and finally the results and the conclusions of the study are presented.