Συγκρούσεις, ικανοποίηση και απόδοση του νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού : μελέτη περίπτωσης σε ιδιωτική κλινική των Αθηνών
Conflicts, job satisfaction and job performance of nursing staff : a case study of an Athens’ private clinic

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Νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό ; Συγκρούσεις ; Εργασιακή ικανοποίηση ; Απόδοση εργαζομένων ; Παρακίνηση εργαζομένων ; Conflict ; Job satisfaction ; Employee performance ; Job performance ; Employee motivation ; Job motivationAbstract
The aim of this study is to present the meaning of conflicts, job satisfaction and the employees’ performance. It also aims to examine the degree of participation in conflicts, the causes and the consequences of them, as well as the techniques used to deal with them. Additionally, it aims to examine the degree of job satisfaction and the work sectors that offer more satisfaction to the nursing stuff of a private clinic, Bioclinic. Finally, the relation of all the above mentioned parameters with the demographic characteristics of the nursing stuff will be examined.
Based on both positivism and productive approach, the drawing of a conclusive research was selected, for which we used the quantitative method. The research was conducted by using questionnaires that were distributed written in paper to the nursing stuff of Bioclinic. The sample of the research is the same with the population, as the questionnaire was distributed to the whole nursing stuff of the clinic. The questionnaire that was used, was created by the researcher based on international bibliography and the reliability coefficient was Cronbach’s a=0,797. In total, 110 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 97 were returned completed and were found valid and exploitable and they were elaborated through the statistical pack IBM SPSS Statistics 20.
The results show that almost the whole of the nursing stuff has been involved in conflicts, which were usually in the form of verbal attacks and took place between the nurses. The main reasons of the conflicts are people’s personality, the work burnout syndrome and the not-satisfactory salaries for services, while the more important consequences are the waste of energy, bad communication between people-groups and the polarization between people-groups. The techniques that the nursing stuff uses to face the conflicts are mainly compromise and retreat and it is less likely to use cooperation. Under no circumstances, the demographic characteristics affect the number of conflicts that the nursing stuff is involved, but are related with the causes, the consequences and the techniques to deal with them.
Job satisfaction ranges in pretty high levels between nurses and this happens mainly because they think that their job is very interesting, it is not affected by their family liabilities and they feel successful at what they do. The job sectors that offer job
satisfaction are mainly the relations with patients, the recovery of patients and generally, the relations with the colleagues, while the demographic characteristics are related not only with the sectors mentioned but also with the degree of work satisfaction of the nursing stuff.
Human resources is today the most valuable asset for organizations. Especially, people who have high degree of job satisfaction, is not involved in non-functional conflicts and as a result they are more productive. The increase of job performance helps to improve the productivity of the whole organization. So a high degree of job satisfaction and constructive conflicts is a wanted attribute for employees. So it is for the benefit of the organization to exercise such policies, to have employees with high levels of job satisfaction and involvement in constructive conflicts since they increase productivity of the employees and the organization as mentioned above.