Ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας διαδικτυακής δημοσίευσης χαρτογραφικών δεδομένων
Developing a web map data publishing platform
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Χαρτογραφικά δεδομέναAbstract
The main subject of this Thesis was the development of a software platform
covering the elementary functionality for publishing mapping data
through the web by an interested ventor. This effort was charged by the
lack of any similar software, capable enough to cover sufficiently a full
amount of operations and to offer a basic user-friendly environment for
adminitrator and guests. Moreover, this thesis was also motivated by the
absence of any graphical user interface for MapServer software, a functionality
that this platform aims to achieve.
This Thesis lists through the current standards and operations of Web
Mapping, aiming to compose a complete view of the dominating trends
on that field, mainly expressed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
OGC has developed and maintains a wide set of specifications for services
(WMS, WFS, WCS etc.) and file formats (GML, KML etc.), which are
widely adopted by the field. In addition, this thesis introduces some of the
most popular implementations for this matter and evaluates their missing
functionality and defects. Those solutions, each in a different manner,
cover only a subset of the requiring functionality and can only be used as
components of a wider implementation of a complete web mapping application.
In addition, their installation and configuration requires special
skills and work in order for them to cooperate fluently and their usage is
not appropriate for non-specialised administrators and ussers.
Based on the previous, we formed a list of requirements for a system
able to cover that lack of a similar solution on the web mapping community.
We concluded in a platform offering a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for
managing the map sources by an administrator, a user-friendly front-page
for map presentation to guests and an Application Programming Interface
(API) for serving those data to other client software. That platform is based
on a backbone implemented in PHP using the Laravel framework, which
complies to the rules of a REST API. This backbone, wraps the MapServer
library through which it publishes Tiling Layers (as WMS) and dynamically
produces vector data for Points of Interest Layers (in a GeoJSON format).
The front-page for showing the maps is based on the Bootleaf template,
using HTML and Javascript programming languages.
The developed platform is called Map Publisher and covers all the fundamental
specification that was defined through this Thesis. However, it
can be further improved and extended in the future, in order to obtain
additional functionality through further map sources support (file formats,
databases etc.) and to achieve a higher level of customisation. For this
purpose, the source code is released freely under the MIT license ([16])
through Github.