Using big data technologies in maritime shipping industry to achieve cost effectiveness
Χρήση τεχνολογιών επεξεργασίας μεγάλων δεδομένων στην ναυτιλία για μείωση οικονομικών πόρων
Information has always been one of the key points in knowledge production process. Everything that we know about most things in our world today is based on the results of observation and experimenting. Those results are nothing more than pure information, so those procedures can be described as information production producers. Since information is a key point in the knowledge production process it's vital this information be collected, kept and processed. Collection of all this information, in all aspects of knowledge as we mentioned, is the creation of data. Data is nothing more than a collection of a big amount of information. The format of those data, which has passed several stages through the years as well as several technological revolutions, has led us today to electronic format and electronic storage. Analyzing of those data was the only way to create knowledge in all sciences at the early years. As time passed by, data, which is still produced in higher levels, overcame the early stages of basic knowledge creation and has been widely introduced to all kind of industries trying to provide great benefits and great challenges. Most companies have always tried to get the pragmatic approach of the collected data, using them for beneficial decision making. Data has increased their complexity a lot and several models of storing, managing have been implemented during the last decades. We have data stored in simple serial data bases to new relational databases, for structured data, while other unstructured data (due to their contents that were pictures, videos etc.) was not able to be stored. During the years the information sources have also changed and new ones have been added, such as data from social media, text streaming data from sensors and other sources. When you are dealing with so much information in so many different forms, it's not possible to use traditional data management ways. The size of the data was always increasing; the difference today is that we have to deal with different types of information and timeliness. For maritime shipping industry the main issue has always been the transmission of the information from the vessels due to low speed and at the same time extremely expensive transmission cost based on the existing technology. The last decade revolution in maritime communications is a fact. The innovation, as a main reason, in maritime communications is huge and we have passed from Morse code to high bandwidth terminals that can transmit big amount of data in short time and low cost. This technological breakthrough has inspired all maritime related manufactures to upgrade their components by adding several sensors in order to produce a very important amount of information for the operation of the vessel. So vessels today can produce a big amount of data that are very important for the proper operation of the vessel and better management which is guiding to cost reducing decisions. This dissertation is focused on Big Data technology and how the implementation of this technology can be cost effective on the maritime shipping Industry. The data, its production and its importance, in maritime shipping industry is going to be described in depth. The goal of this dissertation is to explain thoroughly the information integration that has been applied the last decade and analyze how it affected the Maritime Shipping Industry. The future of the maritime information integration and use of data will also be mentioned. An important issue that will also be mentioned is the maritime communications as this has always been the key point for the data collection. Subsequently, a detailed explanation of the need that created the Big Data technology will also be included along with what Big Data technology is all about and all the issues that we must take under consideration in order to proceed with the implementation of such technology.