Τρόποι διαφήμισης και προώθησης των ελληνικών μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων. Μελέτη περίπτωσης: Ο ξενοδοχειακός κλάδος.
Advertising and promotion techniques for small and medium - sized enterprises. Case study: The hotel sector

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The current project attempts to examine the means and the strategies of promotion and advertising as far as the Greek hotel corporations are concerned. First of all, is analyzed the theoretical background of the universal and Greek tourism, its types , its main values and the comparison between different countries. Then is analyzed the hotel industry, the types of touristic accommodation that exist, their categories according to their stars, the evolution of this specific industry through time and the reasons which led to this development. It follows a thorough presentation of new advertisement methods and marketing that Greek hotel’s owners use in order to attract as many customers as possible.
The purpose of this specific project is to study the means that owners or managers use to promote their enterprise and to present the most effective of them to get as much profit as possible.
For this research, is used the method of questionnaire, which was addressed to 100 small or medium hotel units, with the purpose to be examined the most crucial methods that attract more customers, and many other useful information for the advertisement methods of their enterprise. Next is followed the analysis of the results by the statistic package spss.
The conclusions of the research show that most of the Greek hotels use as main way of promotion the web tools .The majority of the owners choose search engines as the most efficient way to attract their customers. The other means are utilized as supplementary .It’s worth saying that the owners of the hotels spend a lot of money in order to advertise their possession and apart from that ,they became aware of the projects from European union to improve their hotels.