Περιβάλλον και χρήση του διαδικτύου σε αυτό
Environment and the use of web in it

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Περιβάλλον -- Διαχείριση ; Πληροφορική ; Environmental protection -- Databases ; Environmental policy -- Information services ; Μη κυβερνητικές οργανώσειςAbstract
The purpose of this final year thesis is to present the web technologies that are being used concerning the environment. It is implemented a web site that presents the content used by the environmental organization called WWF and there are also presented four other web sites which are called ΑRKTOUROS, Greenpeace, Group of Ecological Action and Greek Company and contain similar content to the one that was implemented. Then there is also a comparison of the technologies used in those four web sites among them and to the site implemented. In chapter 1, we present the technologies that are used in order to implement a web site. Those technologies are also used by the websites that are presented and by the one that is being implemented. In chapter 2, we present in details the four websites previously mentioned. The presentation is taking place by examining the possibilities given to a user when he firstly visits each website. In order to be able to further compare the structure of those websites we also present the flow chart that can be created by every website. In chapter 3, we use the same manner in order to present the website that we implemented. There are presented pictures with a description about the content that a user can find in each one. In the end of the chapter the flowchart of this website is also presented. In the final chapter(chapter 4) we try to compare the total of the websites that we examined concerning several topics. That means that we compare the websites according to their flexibility, functionality and complexity.