Εικονικό εργαστήριο χημείας για διαδραστικό πίνακα

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Χημεία -- Διδασκαλία με υπολογιστή ; Διδακτικά συστήματα -- Σχεδιασμός ; Εικονική πραγματικότητα ; Χημικά εργαστήρια ; Διδασκαλία βοηθούμενη από ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή ; Εκπαιδευτική τεχνολογίαAbstract
Within the context of the present thesis a virtual chemistry lab has been developed to be used on interactive whiteboards with multitouch technology support. This lab is aimed at Secondary Education students, covering the following topics. Solution concentrations (w / w, w / v, v / v), Dilution of solutions, Concentration of solutions, Mixing of solutions. Through simulation environment that provides the virtual chemistry lab, users are enabled to fearlessly experiment with a multitude of chemical substances found in its repository. Concurrently, a number of laboratory tools and instruments are at the users’ disposal to better observe the experiments conducted. Furthermore, users, attending the virtual lab, are encouraged to perform a plethora of interactive exercises concerning the aforementioned modules. The theoretical framework of the thesis delineates central learning theories governing the design of the virtual lab, presents the different types of interactive whiteboards available and the way the latter can contribute to the teaching of Chemistry. Finally, the design and implementation of the virtual chemistry lab is presented and detailed.