Αναγνώριση επιθέσεων μέσω του συστήματος ανίχνευσης εισβολών "Snort"

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The purpose of this dissertation is the detection of the most common attacks against an information system. They are mentioned the most common type of attacks, according to OWASP and there is an analysis of penetration testing and intrusion detection systems. Nonetheless, the Snort intrusion detection system is described in detail; its architecture, its abilities and constraints. Moreover, tools like Metasploit Framework and Nmap are used for the execution of the attacks. On the second half of the dissertation, attacks like Sql injections, Man in the Middle, Cross-Site Scripting, Vnc, Smb, client-side took place and the ability of snort to cope with them was examined. Metasploit Framework was used for the execution of the attacks and Snort for their detection. ft was implemented to Virtual Machine Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Backtrack5 R2 and for the execution of web attacks, DVWA was used in the operating system Fedora14.