Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής και μαθηματικού υποδείγματος για την αξιολόγηση επιχειρήσεων
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Επιχειρήσεις -- Πληροφορική ; Διαδικτυακός προγραμματισμός ; Πιστωτικός κίνδυνος ; Επιχειρήσεις -- ΑξιολόγησηAbstract
In this competitive economic environment, risk management is more essential than ever. Risk is being researched for both theoretical and practical purposes. All large Corporations of the advanced countries have their own risk management departments. Two requirements must exist in order to manage risks effectively. The first one is to recognize the potential risks, and the second to find out the appropriate methods in order to measure these risks. Risk measurement is a very difficult procedure. In order to measure a risk, it is essential to know its source and its kind. Due to the variety of the risks and their sources, it’s very useful to group them in order to manage, in the same way risks that belong to the same group. In this thesis a detailed reference to the Credit Risk Management has been performed. The Credit Risk Management is the most essential kind of risk, so the effective management and the systematic monitoring is the primary target of each bank. Credit Risk is the risk of loss of principal or loss of a financial reward stemming from a borrower's failure to repay a loan or otherwise meet a contractual obligation. Credit risk arises whenever a borrower is expecting to use future cash flows to pay a current debt. To manage and minimize the Credit Risk, a web application was developed in which an appropriate algorithm was included in order to measure and historical record the Credit Risk. This way the management of each bank knows the quality of its portfolio and it’ exposure. This is especially useful for regulatory purposes (such as the National Bank of Greece, the European Central Bank) as well as to organize the future strategies.