Διαχείριση νοσοκομειακών αποβλήτων

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Απόβλητα ; Νοσοκομεία -- ΕλλάδαAbstract
The issue of the proper management and disposal of Harmful Medical Waste is global. When improper waste management is implemented by hospitals this implies dangers to both people and the environment. It extends from patients to employees in both health services and waste collection services. Our country is not excluded from the above issues so several steps must be strictly followed in order to ensure that dangers to public health are kept to a minimum. Proper medical waste management in Greece is of essence, as in one hand, ensures the protection of the environment and the public threat and on the other ensures that European legislation and guidelines are properly implemented. European Union emphasizes in the prevention and minimization of Harmful Medical Waste. The two most appropriate methods for contagious waste processing, based upon legislation, are sterilization and cremation. In that context, for the last decade, local legislation has set all the necessary rules for the efficient management of Harmful Medical Waste. Furthermore, proper waste management is a sample of cultural level and in modern societies should be treated as such.