Case study : μετάβαση από παλαιό σε νέο Collection Σύστημα σε εταιρεία τηλεπικοινωνιών και τα οφέλη από την εφαρμογή του

Master Thesis
Παπάζογλου, Αικατερίνη
2011-09-28View/ Open
Επιχειρήσεις -- Πληροφορική ; Επιχειρηματικός προγραμματισμός -- Πληροφοριακά συστήματα ; Διοίκηση και οργάνωση ; Τηλεπικοινωνίες -- Εξυπηρέτηση πελατώνAbstract
As it is widely known, the main objective of companies is their revenue augmentation. For this objective to be met, however, it is imperative that no revenue is lost, something that often happens when the company customers delay or refuse to pay for the goods or services provided to them by the company. In order to prevent such situations from happening, companies have lately introduced certain clientele policies in order to change their debtors into fast payers. Certain computing systems called "Collection Systems" have been introduced in order to assist companies achieve this. In this thesis we will study the Collection System of one of the telecommunication companies in Greece. In particular, the transition from the old to the new system, the structures of both systems, the commercial demands that led to the need of its replacement.