Αντιμετώπιση ενός ransomware σε μικρομεσαία επιχείρηση. Τρόποι αντιμετώπισης, επάνοδος της επιχείρησης και επιπτώσεις στην επιχείρηση
Incident response for a ransomware attack on an SME : mitigation methods, business recovery and impact

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Ransomware ; Μικρομεσαία επιχείρηση ; Επίθεση τύπου ransomware ; Αντιμετώπιση ; Επάνοδος ; ΕπιπτώσειςAbstract
The rapid dependence of individuals and businesses on cyberspace in the modern era has raised concerns about the ever-increasing cyber-attacks that are occurring online. The issue of security in the vast world of the internet primarily puts personal data at high risk as the emergence of powerful programs designed to intercept and constantly extort ransom from victims has been the main goal for the creation of a security grid.
It is now a common practice for hackers to trap users through malicious messages. Terms such as "spam mails", "phishing" form a part of our daily vocabulary while cybercriminals try to take advantage of their potential targets' weaknesses to demand "ransoms".
Businesses' strategies for securing their personal data constitute a framework of rules and guidelines that must be followed to continue to operate optimally.
Therefore, this thesis is a study of the role of ransomware attacks and their impact on the robust operation of an SME. A presentation is made of the major issues and impacts caused by such conditions, the procedures to be followed by employees in order to avoid being targeted and potentially the consequences that will arise if financial loss is not avoided.