Ανάπτυξη ιστοσελίδας πολιτιστικών δρώμενων υλοποιημένη σε C# και Angular
Development of a cultural events website implemented in C# and Angular
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C# ; Entity Framework ; SQL ; Angular ; Πολιτιστικά δρώμενα ; Εκδηλώσεις ; ΠαραστάσειςAbstract
The topic of this bachelor thesis focuses on the development of a complete website called “Artena” through which cultural events (such as theatrical plays, music concerts, exhibitions, movies) can be displayed per category. This website is intended for both people that work in this field and the general public. The aim of this application is for the users to be able to navigate a user-friendly website that regards the cultural events happening in and out of Athens. Users have the ability to create a new account in order to be able to rate plays, comment on them and also receive personalized recommendations. For professionals of the industry, the website aims at enabling them, upon logging in, to search for other professionals such as a director searching for an actor. The backend development of the application is based on Entity Framework for the interaction with the database and is implemented in C#, meanwhile the database used is an SQL Server. The frontend part is based on the Angular tool which is a JavaScript open-source framework written in TypeScript.