Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη ψηφιακού μαθήματος (MOOC) για την κατασκευή ψυκτικής εγκατάστασης : από την ιδέα στην πραγματικότητα για τους μαθητές της 3ης λυκείου ΕΠΑΛ
Design and development of a digital course for the construction of a refrigeration installation : from concept to reality for 3rd grade vocational high school students
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Ψυκτική εγκατάσταση ; Κατασκευή ; Ψυκτικό υγρό ; Ψυκτικός κύκλος ; Εργαλεία εκτόνωσης ; Εργαλεία εκχειλωσης ; MOOC ; Ψύξη ; Επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση ; Τεχνικές δεξιότητες ; Ενεργειακή απόδοση ; ΚλιματισμόςAbstract
This Master’s thesis focuses on the design and development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Design and Development of an Online Course (MOOC) for Refrigeration System Construction: From Idea to Reality." The course aims to address the growing demand for skilled technicians in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, which is constantly evolving due to the increasing need for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly systems.
The thesis explores the advantages and challenges of MOOCs as a means of professional skill development. Participants in the course are offered the opportunity to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills through multimedia and interactive activities. The course focuses on key principles of refrigeration, welding techniques, piping network construction, as well as maintenance and improvement of refrigeration systems.
Despite the significant benefits of MOOCs, such as accessibility and flexibility, they present challenges like the need for self-discipline from learners and technical requirements for participation. Nevertheless, the course provides a valuable contribution to the development of human capital in the field, promoting professional growth and supporting energy efficiency within the industry.
This work highlights the potential of MOOCs to provide scalable, high-quality education that can meet industry needs while offering a flexible learning experience. The course structure, which integrates both theoretical content and hands-on applications, ensures that technicians can excel in their roles and contribute to advancements in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.