Διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή περιήγησης ταινιών με χρήση ASP.NET MVC
Movie browsing web application using ASP.NET MVC

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The aim of the thesis was to create a movie browsing and exploration application using the new ASP.NET MVC technologies. The application allows users to create an account and then search for their favorite movies from a collection. The ability to search for movies by movie genre, title, average rating and a combination of the above is provided. For each movie some basic information is presented such as title, genre, release date, director, actors and trailer. Users have the option to rate a movie or even leave a comment below it. Providing a comment and rating system is important as it allows users to express their opinions and provide feedback on movies, which can help other users decide which ones to watch. Also by sharing comments users can interact with each other, exchanging views and discussing about the movies, thus creating a more vibrant and active community. In addition to searching for films there is the option to view a short biography of the directors and actors who took part.
This thesis is therefore a first attempt at creating a movie browser page providing some of the functionality offered by major websites.