Ψηφιακή ανάδειξη του αρχαιολογικού χώρου Πετρών με το «ArcGIS StoryMaps» και η χρήση καινοτόμων ελεύθερων εργαλείων στην προβολή αρχαιολογικού υλικού
The digital projection of the archaeological site of Petres with "ArcGIS StoryMaps" and the use of innovative tools in the promotion of archaeological information

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Ψηφιακός πολιτισμός ; Ψηφιακή αρχαιολογία ; Ψηφιακά μέσα ; Εμπειρία χρήστη ; Digital culture ; Digital archaeology ; Digital tools ; User’s experienceAbstract
The main objective of this Master's Thesis is to demonstrate the use of free digital tools in
the digitization of Archaeology. In this project we used as an example of digitization of
Archaeological material, the Archaeological site of Petra, a site of paramount importance for
Western Macedonia. The tools used in the context of this study were "ArcGIS StoryMaps",
"Artsteps" and "Adalo". Tools chosen for the creation of the pilot constructions and the digital
projection of the Hellenistic city of Petra. Emphasis was placed on the combination of
Archaeology and Geography, while at the same time examining the innovative possibilities that
arise with the active "participation" of Technology in the field of Culture. The constructions
include, a historical-map presentation, which highlights the use of the new term
"Geoarchaeology", a digital tour with rich material from the archaeological site and an
archaeological app to highlight the site. These creations were evaluated and the positive result
we had, confirmed that the use of modern technology in the promotion and display of Cultural
Content and Archaeology is something that brings positive and especially evolving results. After
analyzing and rendering details of the constructions and tools used, we decided to complete
this work by using "NVivo", another digital tool for the qualitative analysis of the survey data
conducted. This tool played an important role in completing the qualitative analysis of the
material of the Thesis as in this way emphasis was given, beyond digitality in the field of Culture,
to the theoretical axes that were followed and led us to the results we had.