Η Θεωρία Παιγνίων στη λήψη επιχειρηματικών αποφάσεων

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Θεωρία παιγνίων ; Ισορροπία Nash ; Μελέτη περίπτωσης ; ΣτρατηγικέςAbstract
This thesis explores the application of Game Theory in the formulation of business strategy, combining the theoretical analysis with a practical case study. By analyzing the fundamental concepts of game theory and their relevance to real-world scenarios, it aims to demonstrate its effectiveness in making strategic decisions for both individuals and businesses.The study begins by uncovering the fundamentals of game theory, including players, strategies, and equilibrium concepts such as the Nash equilibrium. It delves into various types of basic games, showing how Game Theory exists and affects the decisions we are asked to make in everyday life.In the final part, the study delves into the practical application of Game Theory to business strategy, with particular emphasis on the establishment of a new acetic acid plant. Through a detailed case study of the strategic parameters involved in starting up the new factory amid various constraints and difficulties, the thesis shows how the use of Game Theory can guide optimal decision making. In this way, this thesis highlights the role of Game Theory in maximizing the success of the business and ensuring its profitability by recognizing the various obstacles and leading it to the best possible decision.